The nine profiles

Creatives, lawyers, accountants, researchers, and more. Our ethnographic sample represents the diverse array of professionals learning to integrate GenAI into their work


AI Chronicles 12 October 2024

You are about to read the profiles featured in our research. We selected them based on three key characteristics: 1) They belong to the broad category of professionals who are freelancers or otherwise not employed by large corporations. 2) They use GenAI technology effectively to varying degrees. 3) They have a variety of professional backgrounds.

These nine people told us about their relationship with Generative AI through interviews that took place at the beginning and end of the research period and through a two-week observation period during which they let us join them in their daily work and recorded their experiences, insights, and perplexities in a diary that they shared with us.

As bearers of unique and personal approaches to the tools we are studying, they have become, in many respects, iconic figures that help us identify patterns, potentials, and interesting indicators for anyone approaching the relationship between GenAI and work.

Creative work



An architect who challenges artificial intelligence.
An architecture graduate and a technology enthusiast, Arturo has been integrating computational design into his profession as an architect and consultant for several brands since 2009. His approach to Generative AI began with a great passion for algorithms and machine learning, which has allowed him to stay at the forefront of the field. As a strong proponent of Generative AI tools on several fronts (“I think I was one of the first users of DALL-E when it was launched in beta”), he divides the use of AI into two distinct worlds: 1) speeding up tasks and workflows and 2) changing the mindset and approach of those using it. He argues that Generative AI (even AI in general) is transforming the language between machines and humans by influencing both the end result and the path to get there.
“We are beginning to grasp a bit of this alien technology. However, we must ask the right questions and act accordingly.”

Scientific work



A specialized engineer who is still skeptical.
Corinna studies the behavior of semiconductors in contact with radiation and the reactions of these materials at the University of Zurich. She has recently introduced the use of Generative AI in some of her activities with more or less satisfactory results. She recognizes the power and qualities of this pervasive technology: “It helps me refine so many elements of my work such as texts, summaries, translations, and helps me brainstorm to define the experiments to conduct.” She is very concerned about its use by people who lack the knowledge needed to understand whether or not the result provided by GPT is correct: “I see my students using GPT as if it were Google and blindly trusting the results. In my field, this is a real concern.”
“I’m not worried about the impact of AI on those who have content. I’m worried about those who don’t have it.” “It helps me refine so many elements of my work such as texts, summaries, translations, and helps me brainstorm to define the experiments to conduct.”

Knowledge work



A man who can make religious faith and technology converge.
Don Luca embodies two very different worlds that seem difficult to reconcile. On the one hand, religious faith and, on the other, a great passion for technology, innovation, and the Internet, used as valuable tools to “reach people.” He says he’s “trying to understand how science and technology work to help him discuss religion.” AI became a part of Luca’s life before becoming the popular tool it is today. He wanted to understand it in order to make the most of it and achieve his ultimate goal: evangelizing Christ. “Since AI has become a part of our lives, I need to know about it to communicate with people.” Today, AI is present in Luca’s work comprehensively and consistently, at different levels: from the preparation of catechism materials, to seeking information, to drafting and analyzing written texts. The only element that remains unchanged to date is the preparation of his sermons. He says. “Preparing and delivering the sermon is the best part of my job; why should I have a machine prepare it for me?”
“AI doesn’t help me do what I can’t do, but it helps me do what I can do better.”

Creativity work



A freelance craftswoman surfing the content economy market.
Elisa has been working mainly with two/three clients continuously for several years. She uses Generative AI in many key areas of her profession and, in some cases, even in those outside her key expertise. She uses AI within the tools she was already using before the advent of Generative AI, so her workflow has been partially influenced and transformed by it: “I have always used Adobe, and now I use the Generative AI features within the software.” The push to use Generative AI came at the suggestion/challenge of one of her acquaintances: “If he can do it, so can I.” She sees AI as a way to keep up with the advances in her profession. What excites her most is the possibility of having a “virtual and digital, but very well-trained” work team at her disposal, which she has never had.

Creativity work



A visionary who dreams of a world where ideas become videos. Instantly.
A nerd and geek from the very beginning, Gabriele has always been interested in technology and its application in the visual storytelling of the projects he develops, such as visuals and concert direction (he has worked with Cosmo and Sfera Ebbasta), video artworks, and electronic music. He is a keen connoisseur of his work’s visual and artistic components (he says “video is a phenomenal entertainment medium”) as well as the anthropological and cultural research components that he delves into with his creations. Generative AI is the latest innovation that offers authors a palette of many nuances. It is a highly versatile tool that involves new methods, new software, and new ways of working, all of which are part of a workflow that has been completely rethought and adapted to what Generative AI has made possible. He dreams of a future where his ideas can be turned into videos instantly.
“Generative AI amplifies my ambition. I now know that with this tool, I can pursue even more exciting goals than before.”

Knowledge work



An accountant freed from the burden of document creation.
Giuseppe has been a technology enthusiast all his life. Now, as an accountant, he has integrated generative artificial intelligence into his and his team’s workflow. Thanks to a wealth of knowledge accumulated and organized over the years, they have “a huge amount of documents and digitized material to use.” He has been able to partially automate his firm’s main activity, document creation. By using Microsoft Copilot, specifically trained on the firm’s documents, notes taken during initial meetings are transformed into a draft that needs to be corrected and reworked but that has the structure of a final document. “The output is rough and full of errors, but it eliminates the need to start from scratch and speeds up our workflow.”
“You start to feel the innovative breakthrough when AI actually gets integrated into your workflow. Until then, I think it’s just kind of like a game.” “The output is rough and full of errors, but it eliminates the need to start from scratch and speeds up our workflow.”

Creative work



A one-man show of video production.
What does video and communications content production have in common with large, wealthy US law firms? Only one thing: Matteo. Since moving to the United States several years ago, Matteo has been involved in all aspects of video production. Technology has always been his bread and butter, but the arrival of Generative AI has been a game changer. Thanks to this new “medium” and the hours he has spent delving into and grasping its potential, he has transformed his work. In terms of efficiency, he says, “It helps me so much to quickly develop different proposals for clients, both for brainstorming and production.” And regarding novelty he remarks, “I can indulge in creating the theme intro of the video without having to go through other professionals.” He considers AI an excellent starting point for his projects, which he can then build upon with his own experience and creativity.
“It helps me so much to quickly develop different proposals for clients, both as brainstorming and production.” “I can indulge in creating the intro of the video without having to go through other professionals.”

Knowledge work



An early adopter attorney who is not impressed.
Massimiliano is an attorney and a partner at the firm where he works. His practice focuses on data security and intellectual property. He considers himself an early adopter of Generative AI, having started experimenting with the tool early on both out of personal interest and to figure out how to integrate it into his profession. So far, his efforts have not been very successful: “In my work, I use it for non-core tasks, low value-added things. But it does save me some time.” He has concluded that for the time being, it is still difficult in his profession to derive much value from Generative AI models, but he remains optimistic. He argues that the more a profession is based on very specific knowledge, the harder it is for Generative AI to become part of it, but once it makes the leap, the impact could be huge.
“It is a transformative element that you have to get used to. You have to know how to use it and not be dominated by it.” “In my work, I use it for non-core tasks, low value-added things. But it does save me some time.”

Scientific work



A researcher who has found a new knowledge partner.
Teresa is a cardiac anesthesiologist at the Novara Hospital and is currently studying for her PhD. She does not use AI Generative in her medical practice, although she believes that “we are really lagging behind technologically.” However, she uses it mainly for research, as suggested by other colleagues. Her primary use of Generative AI is as a starting point for diverse research: “I ask GPT to find out what has already been written and said about a particular topic,” to categorize the information gathered, and as a sparring partner for brainstorming on experiments to run. She is continually amazed at the quality of output she can achieve with GPT or similar tools without ever being disappointed. She sees Generative AI as a vast and limitless source of knowledge without a goal and humans as the only element that can define the goal for which it makes sense to unleash the power of AI.
“When I do research, I ask GPT to find out what has already been written and said about a particular topic. In the medical field, we are really lagging behind technologically.”

This article is part of our research project

AI CHRONICLES. From today to Futurabilities