Humanities Studies
Philosophy, literature, communication expressions, language. How do we better ourselves through the creative endeavors that define us as humans?

The complexity of reality
Reality is complex, so much so that there’s an entire institution devoted to studying this issue.
in conversation with David Krakauer by Edoardo Maggio

The elusive contours of one’s self
by Valentina Nuzzi
The adult self who still needs to play
by Elisa Nicolini
Metrics across countries
by Simone Cesano
In the beginning,there was the ox
by Francesca Alloatti
Dreaming in a thousand dimensions
by Alessandro Zangirolami
Ambiguous interfaces for uncertain times
by Marco Zamarato
Something new in our embodied mind
by Giulia Pozzobon
Through the prism of imagination
by Eleonora Raspi
Mastering chaos: the human obsession with labels
by Moreno Callegari
Intelligence, rationality, and decision-making limits
by Tomas Barazza
The three paradigms of desire
by Federico Leoni
A brief history of desire, an essay
by Giulia Pozzobon
The wings on my feet
by Simone Cesano
Bioluminescently queer
by Zoë De Luca Legge
A brief history of Intelligence
by Jillian York
Preparing for the overtake
by Giulia Pozzobon
Once upon a time, there was boredom
by Marina Silvello
Waiting on the world to change: for an affective futurability of places
by Alessandra Faccini
A brief history of Desire

Everything was already there
by Giulia Pozzobon
A man plans and God laughs
by Moriella Kowalski
Are we always free to choose?
by Alessandra Faccini
Getting a word in — The theatre of voice
by Matteo Bonazzi
Against identity
by Francesca Coin
Our print on film
by Francesca Alloatti
Subjectivity beyond the threshold
by Silvia Vizzardelli
Writing our future freedom ourselves
by Jillian York
The view through sound
by Edoardo Maggio
Gold identities
by Alberto Nerazzini
The complexity of reality
by Edoardo Maggio
Embracing complexity
by Christian Schneider
The alchemy of biofiction
by Eleonora Raspi
The great WWW swindle
by Philip Di Salvo
Will religion ever become obsolete?
by Matteo Scanni
How can philosophy help us in this time of crisis?
by Federico Leoni
Can cyber art show the unseen inside us?
by Eleonora Raspi
Consider the water
by Alessandro Zaccuri
Fog of War
by Rita Italiano
About digital and spirituality
by Matteo Scanni
Top of the flops
Big in Japan
by Andrea Dusio
The vanquished who wrote history
by Alessandro Portelli
Long Live the Huckleberry Party
by Alice Azzolini
The dreams of digital humanities
by Andrea Bolioli
The evolution of music fruition
by Valentina Lunardi
Musical wallpaper
by Andrea Dusio
Disruptive design
by Ryslaine Moulay
The World Wide Web utopia
by Vittorio Di Tomaso
Our digital lives, a pollution nightmare
by Riccardo Coluccini
Paolo Cirio
by Eleonora Raspi
A road to paradise
The things surrounding us
by Lorenzo Ruggieri
On the edge of sound
by Andrea Dusio
The aesthetics of catastrophe
by Mauro Ceolin
Why human-centered design is not enough
What is technological utopianism?
by Alberto Tundo
A state of independence from The internet
by Philip Di Salvo
Innovate our inner technology
by Sujith Ravindran
Collective empathy and vibrations
by Jeffrey Ernstoff
What we are telling ourselves
by Lorraine Justice
Inside a vulnerable network
by Paolo Cirio
Manifesto for an after that was before
by Leonardo Caffo
What grounds us?
by Sonia Coman
Chaos and fear fuel creativity
by Harold O’Neal
The rise of contemporary post-humans
by Leonardo Caffo
The infinite debate around the reality of hours
by Giuliano Torrengo
The art of calculation
by Susanna Marchini
Cartographies of time
It’s time to take note
by Liz Shemaria
The interaction of political and utopian thought
by Alessandro Ferrara
Cabin porn
by Matteo Scanni
Climate change needs a new definition
by Etienne Turpin
Critical design will make our lives better
by Lorenzo Ruggieri
Not everyone is creative (and that’s fine)
by Carlo Boccadoro
Data whining
by Vittorio Di Tomaso
Digital ethics to shape post AI societies
by Mariarosaria Taddeo
State of Fl-UX
by Alexander Wiethoff
It’s time for AI to get ethical
by Bart de Witte
What is Design Thinking?
What is net neutrality?
Laziness, technology and brain-scanning a billion people
by Robert C. Wolcott
The elusive contours of one’s self
by Valentina Nuzzi
The adult self who still needs to play
by Elisa Nicolini
Metrics across countries
by Simone Cesano
In the beginning,there was the ox
by Francesca Alloatti
Dreaming in a thousand dimensions
by Alessandro Zangirolami
Ambiguous interfaces for uncertain times
by Marco Zamarato
Something new in our embodied mind
by Giulia Pozzobon
Through the prism of imagination
by Eleonora Raspi
Mastering chaos: the human obsession with labels
by Moreno Callegari
Intelligence, rationality, and decision-making limits
by Tomas Barazza
The three paradigms of desire
by Federico Leoni
A brief history of desire, an essay
by Giulia Pozzobon
The wings on my feet
by Simone Cesano
Bioluminescently queer
by Zoë De Luca Legge
A brief history of Intelligence
by Jillian York
Preparing for the overtake
by Giulia Pozzobon
Once upon a time, there was boredom
by Marina Silvello
Waiting on the world to change: for an affective futurability of places
by Alessandra Faccini
A brief history of Desire

Everything was already there
by Giulia Pozzobon
A man plans and God laughs
by Moriella Kowalski
Are we always free to choose?
by Alessandra Faccini
Getting a word in — The theatre of voice
by Matteo Bonazzi
Against identity
by Francesca Coin
Our print on film
by Francesca Alloatti
Subjectivity beyond the threshold
by Silvia Vizzardelli
Writing our future freedom ourselves
by Jillian York
The view through sound
by Edoardo Maggio
Gold identities
by Alberto Nerazzini
The complexity of reality
by Edoardo Maggio
Embracing complexity
by Christian Schneider
The alchemy of biofiction
by Eleonora Raspi
The great WWW swindle
by Philip Di Salvo
Will religion ever become obsolete?
by Matteo Scanni
How can philosophy help us in this time of crisis?
by Federico Leoni
Can cyber art show the unseen inside us?
by Eleonora Raspi
Consider the water
by Alessandro Zaccuri
Fog of War
by Rita Italiano
About digital and spirituality
by Matteo Scanni
Top of the flops
Big in Japan
by Andrea Dusio
The vanquished who wrote history
by Alessandro Portelli
Long Live the Huckleberry Party
by Alice Azzolini
The dreams of digital humanities
by Andrea Bolioli
The evolution of music fruition
by Valentina Lunardi
Musical wallpaper
by Andrea Dusio
Disruptive design
by Ryslaine Moulay
The World Wide Web utopia
by Vittorio Di Tomaso
Our digital lives, a pollution nightmare
by Riccardo Coluccini
Paolo Cirio
by Eleonora Raspi
A road to paradise
The things surrounding us
by Lorenzo Ruggieri
On the edge of sound
by Andrea Dusio
The aesthetics of catastrophe
by Mauro Ceolin
Why human-centered design is not enough
What is technological utopianism?
by Alberto Tundo
A state of independence from The internet
by Philip Di Salvo
Innovate our inner technology
by Sujith Ravindran
Collective empathy and vibrations
by Jeffrey Ernstoff
What we are telling ourselves
by Lorraine Justice
Inside a vulnerable network
by Paolo Cirio
Manifesto for an after that was before
by Leonardo Caffo
What grounds us?
by Sonia Coman
Chaos and fear fuel creativity
by Harold O’Neal
The rise of contemporary post-humans
by Leonardo Caffo
The infinite debate around the reality of hours
by Giuliano Torrengo
The art of calculation
by Susanna Marchini
Cartographies of time
It’s time to take note
by Liz Shemaria
The interaction of political and utopian thought
by Alessandro Ferrara
Cabin porn
by Matteo Scanni
Climate change needs a new definition
by Etienne Turpin
Critical design will make our lives better
by Lorenzo Ruggieri
Not everyone is creative (and that’s fine)
by Carlo Boccadoro
Data whining
by Vittorio Di Tomaso
Digital ethics to shape post AI societies
by Mariarosaria Taddeo
State of Fl-UX
by Alexander Wiethoff
It’s time for AI to get ethical
by Bart de Witte
What is Design Thinking?
What is net neutrality?