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Tech Perspectives


Intelligence at work: a call for safety

We’re racing at breakneck speed to develop superintelligent AI systems. While their benefits seem endless, we have no idea how to control them. We can — and must — fix that

by Edoardo Maggio

Humanities Studies


A brief history of Intelligence

The chronicle of human intelligence is but a journey through the history of what we know — and, more importantly, how we know it

by Jillian York

Tech Perspectives

Whispers from the AI community

Lights and shadows from the world biggest NLP conference

by Irene Benedetto

Tech Perspectives

AI, work, educated guesses: what’s next for us?

Absent a crystal ball, it might still be helpful to cautiously detail a tentative outlook on the future of AI and jobs. Because that future is coming for everybody.

by Edoardo Maggio

Relations & Society

Limited humans, limitless technology?

Applications like Chat-GPT do not have our limits, and that’s ok

by Francesca Alloatti

Tech Perspectives

Will AI put me out of the job market?

Even though I am a programmer

by Raffaella Ventaglio

Tech Perspectives


Hey ChatGPT, do you desire?

Our new issue of MAIZE tackles the topic of desire, as the utmost manifestation of humanity. Let’s ask ChatGPT about it, and see what it comes up with.

by Andrea Bolioli

Tech Perspectives

Turning Points

Simple things are the hardest

The challenge of simple things is to face rich, dynamic and complex realities. But, if they work correctly, they'll lead to many great possibilities.

by Vittorio Di Tomaso

Tech Perspectives


Human vs Artificial

The human mind and artificial intelligence share similarities and differences we still don’t understand fully. What does the road ahead look like?

by Francesca Alloatti

Tech Perspectives


A bumpy transition into tomorrow

AI offers substantial benefits to humans, but we must exercise caution due to its potential to generate deceptive and entirely fabricated realities easily

by Vittorio Di Tomaso

Tech Perspectives


When Artificial Intelligence embraced uncertainty

The skeptical enthusiast

by Vittorio Di Tomaso

Tech Perspectives


How does AI measure uncertainty?

Computer science aims at cracking complicated mechanisms beyond doubt. But does it make sense to always reduce uncertainty?

by Francesca Alloatti

Tech Perspectives


How to fail and be successful

by Vittorio Di Tomaso

Tech Perspectives


Digital evolution

Artificial life seeks to simulate lifelike processes within computers, with the aim of discovering elemental characteristics of life itself.

by Vittorio Di Tomaso

Tech Perspectives

A brief history of AI

Many of us are already using artificial intelligence in our everyday lives. But do we know the history of AI?


Tech Perspectives

AI for better customer experiences

Reza Khorshidi, global chief scientist at AIG insurance, talks about how AI is improving user experiences in the insurance sphere.

by Reza Khorshidi

Tech Perspectives

AI and self-driving cars

The guarantee of safety in autonomous driving points to some challenges with the evolution of AI technology, what is data's role?

by Vittorio Di Tomaso

Tech Perspectives

How to turn your body into a device

It’s clear that technology is expanding options for sexual experiences, but will it influence how we interact with and love others?

by Trudy Barber


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