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Relations & Society

Why we need restaurants

Tommaso Mellili reflects upon restaurants as the last space that modern loneliness hasn't conquered yet and its role as a ritual.

by Tommaso Melilli

Relations & Society

Uncanny mediated surrogates

Franco La Cecla discusses the meaning of virtual connections through technological tools and our need for surrogate images.

by Franco La Cecla

Relations & Society

Plowing the fields of our community

Matteo reflects upon the sense and meaning of words and the importance of acknowledging micro moments, which compose our lives.

by Matteo Scanni

Relations & Society

Human principles of existence

Thami shares hopeful thoughts about the economy of care and how solidarity can help humanity get back to its principles of existence.

by Thami Schweichler

Relations & Society

Turn sacrifice into a meaningful change

Mauro Porcini, chief design officer at PepsiCo, talks about the value of time and the opportunity to reinvest in meaningful actions.

by Mauro Porcini

Relations & Society

Creating meaningful and compassionate connections

Massimo Redaelli eflects on the resilience Italy has demonstrated in history and the ingredients that helped it overcome hardships.

by Massimo Redaelli

Relations & Society

Never again without

A sociologist and founder of Codici, a center for research and social change, explores an individuals' process of eliminating unessentials.

by Stefano Laffi

Relations & Society

The human challenge of social distancing

Anna Catalano shares how halting from a jet set life increased her appreciation for connections with colleagues and friends.

by Anna Catalano

Relations & Society

A little bit more life

A theoretical physicist reflects on how we perceive life and why this moment has moved our minds and hearts in such an unusual way.

by Carlo Rovelli

Relations & Society

The future just happened

Maia Guarnaccia, an author, advisor and former vice president at Vivienne Westwood, reflects on how to balance our existence.

by Maia Guarnaccia

Relations & Society

Choosing to hope

The lead vocalist at Sons of Serendip reflects on the opportunity from Covid-19 to revisit our life, work, and relationships.

by Micah Christian

Relations & Society

Moving forward through a crisis

One of the most accomplished Hispanic media producers in the US talks about what helps her to maintain a sense of hope and joy.

by Nely Galán

Relations & Society

The courage to face change

Co-founder and chairman of The World Innovation Network (TWIN) Global discusses the importance of connecting in moments of adversity.

by Robert C. Wolcott

Relations & Society


A brief history of time

Our awareness of time — how we measure and explain it — is one of the most distinguishing features of humans.


Relations & Society


What is longitude?

Every ship captain, sailor, owner, and passenger has one man to thank.

by Alberto Tundo

Relations & Society


Chronemics and cultures

We plan for the future through calendars and diaries. But not every culture looks at time in this western way.

by Lynn Cole

Relations & Society


Why do we procrastinate?

Dr. Tim Pychyl takes us into the quicksand of wasting time and why we do it, instead of facing what really needs to get done.

by Riccardo Coluccini

Relations & Society


The book that changed everything

Time travel is one of humankind's most daring, ambitious, and haunting dreams.

by Alberto Tundo


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