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Relations & Society


Intelligence under the lens of quiz shows

From billionaire triumphs to TV scandals, quiz shows have transformed throughout the years, shaping our collective perception of the very idea of knowledge

by Filippo Ferrari

Humanities Studies


Our print on film

From “Blade Runner” to “Memento.” Seven movies that explore the representation of human identity

by Francesca Alloatti

Relations & Society


Selfie culture

Selfies don’t come out of nowhere: for centuries self-representation mirrored and shaped societies and identities through different devices

by Riccardo Trabattoni

Relations & Society

Sonic identity

In a world where sight no longer conditions our perception of reality, how can we communicate and create relationships through sound?

by Riccardo Trabattoni

Relations & Society


Can we get rid of fake news?

With the right treatment, the mind of a conspiracist can be cured.

by Mick West

Relations & Society

The algorithmic boredom

Why, in the age of Netflix, we need to rekindle our curiosity about content.

by Armando Trivellini

Relations & Society


Newspapers aren’t extinct

Print media needs to settle into a new role, changing its clothes accordingly.

by Francesco Franchi

Relations & Society

A history of Instant Messaging and Chat

The first instant messages were for programmers and emergency communications until they entered the realm of our everyday lives.


Relations & Society


How to open a time portal

How video games transport us to states flow, as we experience time indirectly while processing information from our other senses.

by Federico Alvarez Igarzábal

Relations & Society

Dark narratives

The way we tell stories can teach us a lot about the Zeitgeist of our times. What do TV series say about the way we see time?

by Giulia Trincardi

Relations & Society

The economics of news

When we can consume media for free, what does that mean for the future of journalism?

by Guido Van Nispen

Relations & Society


It’s the end of the world

Post-apocalyptic videogames play a pivotal role in visually representing to our deepest fears and shaping potential solutions.

by Andrea Deluca

Relations & Society


Where art thou, my brand?

Brands went from an acquaintance to a life partner. Changes in technology, consumer behavior, and consciousness are to blame.

by Davide Bartolucci

Relations & Society


Inside the filter bubble

Social media are often pointed at as the cause of the “filter bubbles”, while they merely highlight a trend that has an entirely different origin.

by Tamás Dávid-Barrett

Relations & Society


One day gamers will be old

With audience sizes the likes of which the world has never seen, what does e-sports mean for our society?

by Francesco Salonia

Relations & Society

Recoding humans

Social mania

Evolution and technology are working at a different pace—the result is to be seen.

by Bruce Hood

Relations & Society

Recoding humans

Exploring new creative agency models

Here’s how the next generation of agencies is adapting and molding the future of advertising.

by Alessandro Biggi

Relations & Society

Recoding humans

What is shadow banning?

What if a social network removes a user's recognition and reach without their knowledge?



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