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Cultural Factory


Humanities Studies


Something new in our embodied mind

The enigmatic human knack for creativity is preserved through ethical choices and retaining control over our own destiny

by Giulia Pozzobon

Humanities Studies


The three paradigms of desire

As everything seemingly tends to become an event we desperately want to take part in, a new kind of desire arises

by Federico Leoni

Humanities Studies


Once upon a time, there was boredom

How today’s crises of identity, overstimulation, disenchantment, and anxieties have annihilated the feeling of boredom, complicating our relationship to contemporary desire

by Marina Silvello

Humanities Studies


A brief history of Desire

Between the West and the East, the body and the stars, power and liberation: an epic voyage spanning centuries, exploring the myriad paradoxes within the concept of desire.

Humanities Studies


Everything was already there

Without someone to look at us, we have no identity. And to look is, after all, to begin to desire.

by Giulia Pozzobon

Humanities Studies

Turning Points

A man plans and God laughs

Quite often, important moments in history and in our lives happen and we, as humans, remain full of doubts: how did things go this way? Why? Could I control it?

by Moriella Kowalski

Humanities Studies

Turning Points

Are we always free to choose?

A conversation about free will and moral responsability with Eddy Nahmias, Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Georgia State University. 

by Alessandra Faccini

Humanities Studies


Getting a word in — The theatre of voice

We become what we are through voice — our own, but also that of others. And silence sets the stage where the theatrical, vocal performance of life comes to light

by Matteo Bonazzi

Humanities Studies


Against identity

Sometimes identity is “negative,” in that it is defined by what someone (or something) is not. And that can be a powerful catalyst for the opening of harmful doors

by Francesca Coin

Humanities Studies


Subjectivity beyond the threshold

We often see ourselves in others, a deeply ingrained lesson in our self-perception. However, what do we discover when we move away from this perspective?

by Silvia Vizzardelli

Humanities Studies


Gold identities

A tribute to MAIZE magazine’s late editor Matteo Scanni

by Alberto Nerazzini

Humanities Studies


Will religion ever become obsolete?

Don Luca Peyron, a former lawyer, was appointed by the Vatican to establish a new positioning for the Catholic Church on the web

by Matteo Scanni

Humanities Studies


How can philosophy help us in this time of crisis?

The sense of paralysis that strangles us stems from the impossibility of deciding in certain situations. But decision is not the only way to be effective.

by Federico Leoni

Humanities Studies


Consider the water

Biblical episodes often occurred when water was around. An element capable of nourishing but also of destroying.

by Alessandro Zaccuri

Humanities Studies


Fog of War

On the psychology of military incompetence

by Rita Italiano

Humanities Studies


Long Live the Huckleberry Party

A world without losers did exist and not that long ago.

by Alice Azzolini

Humanities Studies

Innovate our inner technology

Sujith Ravindran is the founder of The BEING at Full Potential movement, he sees the lockdown as the perfect “being” time.

by Sujith Ravindran

Humanities Studies

Manifesto for an after that was before

What will life after Covid-19 look like? Contemplations about 'a new species of humans,' which might be about to appear in the world.

by Leonardo Caffo


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