Tech Perspectives
It’s more than a gadget
Virtual Reality researcher and expert, Naomi Roth talks about how this technology can teach us about humanity and our identities.
by Naomi Roth
Tech Perspectives
Recoding humansAll that glitters is not gold
Finding the Human Factor in R+
by Guido Polcan
Tech Perspectives
Recoding humansVirtual snowballing
When it comes to business, analysts have a penchant for comparisons, and the Virtual and Augmented Reality industry is no exception.
by Tipatat Chennavasin
Tech Perspectives
R+ is the future of architecture
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality have finally displayed their potential in this industry, attracting new investors
Tech Perspectives
A journey to the Jarvis era
We currently live in a multi-dimensional world, but the way we learn and operate is still stuck in 2D.
by Dirk Schart
Tech Perspectives
The post-virtual world: Invisible interfaces and our experience of reality
As the distinction between real and virtual is fading faster than we expected, we have to reconsider our notion of reality, and how we relate to it.
by Robert C. Wolcott