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Christian Schneider’s perspective on Design

Christian Schneider


Ventures, products, and services


MAIZE's new partner, shares his thoughts on strategic design

What does “to design” mean today? How has this discipline evolved into Strategic Design?
Christian Schneider addresses the evolution of the design approach, how it can respond to current challenges such as organisational change and people centric ESG. Strategic Design responds to a wide spectrum of challenges infusing strategic thought in a transversal way across disciplines, technologies and approaches to unlock innovation opportunities.
Christian Schneider is an Innovation Design Strategist — he worked as a designer for Studio De Lucchi, as a program leader for IDEO, and as an executive coach and consultant for organizational design and change processes. He has lived and worked in various countries in Europe and North America. He has held a position as Associate Professor for Strategic Management at Parsons and taught at the Polytechnic University in Milan (MFA Strategic Design), for Zeppelin University (MBA) and Carleton University Ottawa (Faculty of Engineering and Design). In July 2022 he joined MAIZE as a partner.

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